
Showing posts from June, 2019


KIDS RIDDLES-3 HAI GUYS, QUESTION FOR THIS SATURDAY; In this Saturday i am going to ask 5 different tricky and funny questions. OK!!!Lets, go to question. QUESTION NO 1:                                          A zoo has 63 animals, if 8 is died then how many animals remain? QUESTION NO 2:                     A little girl kicks a soccer ball. It goes 11 feet and comes back to her. How it is possible? QUESTION NO 3:                      'A' is father of  'B' but 'B' is not son of 'A'. How is that possible? QUESTION NO 4:                       Imagine you are sinking row boat surrounded by sharks. How would you survive? QUESTION NO 5:   ...


PUZZLE MIND WORKOUT-5 HAI GUYS, Question for today; THE FARMER AND HIS SHEEP Farmer Longmore had a curious aptitude for arithmetic, and was known in his district as the ‘mathematical farmer.’ The new vicar was not aware of this fact when meeting his  a worthy parishioner one day in the lane, he asked him in  the course of a short conversation, ‘Now, how many sheep  have you all together?’  He was therefore rather surprised at  Longmore’s answer, which was as follows: ‘You can divide  my sheep into two different parts, so that the difference  between the two numbers is the same as the difference  between their squares.  Maybe, Mr. Parson, you will like to  work out the little sum for yourself.’  Can the reader say just how many sheep the farmer had?  Supposing he had possessed only twenty sheep, and he divided  them into the two parts 12 and 8.  Now, the difference be...


THE UNKNOWN FACTS-6               1.     The cerebellum makes up 10% of the total volume of the human brain.          2.     Taste buds are not just found on the  tongue; they are also found on the palate,  pharynx and larynx PHARYNX LARYNX PALATE                     3.     The brain of the fly contains 337,856  neurons.          4.     Many spiders have eight eyes.            5.     The human eye weighs about 7.5 g.          6.     The brain of a goldfish makes up 0.3% of its total body weights.          7.     An adult human brain  is about 2% of total body weight. ...


THE UNKNOWN FACTS-5         1.     The cerebral cortex makes up about 77% of the total volume of the human brain.               2.     Approximately 8% of all males and about 0.5% of all females are colorblind.       3.     Humans can hear sounds with frequencies between 20 and 20,000 Hz.       4.     The National Institutes of Health was established in 1887.       5.     There are approximately 1 billion neurons in the human spinal cord.       6.     In 1891, Wilhelm von Waldeyer coined the term "neuron."       7.     A giraffe has seven vertebrae in its neck...this is the same number of neck bones as in people and most other mammals.       8.  ...