
Showing posts from October, 2019


PUZZLE MIND WORKOUT-12 Hai Guys, Question for this Sunday: Today i will ask Two Funny Questions; 1.Why 'Mia Khalifa' and 'Dani Daniels' looking cute? 2.Assume your boyfriend a mad scientist and he'll tell this number  '53+71+23+92'  to her, whenever he sees her, but she cannot understand so question is, what he is trying to say to her ? ANSWER FOR LAST SUNDAY QUESTION IS; SOLUTION:A CALENDAR PUZZLE The first day of a century can never fall on a Sunday; nor on a Wednesday or a Friday. 😃😃😃 CLICK THIS LINK FOR PREVIOUS QUESTION 😃😃😃:


KIDS RIDDLES-10 Hai guys, Question for this Saturday is, Today i will ask two Questions: 1.Why do Plants hate Math? 2.One day Argon walks into a bar, but Bouncers did not allow the argon into a bar why? 😃😃😃 Comment the answer below 😃😃😃 ANSWER FOR LAST SATURDAY'S QUESTION IS; SOLUTION: 1. "MISSISSIPPI". 2." Light Warlpiri. " 😃😃😃 CLICK THIS LINK FOR PREVIOUS QUESTION 😃😃😃:


PUZZLE MIND WORKOUT-11 Hai guys, Question for this Sunday is: A CALENDAR PUZZLE If the end of the world should come on the first day of a new  century, can you say what are the chances that it will happen  on a Sunday? ANSWER FOR LAST SUNDAY QUESTION IS; SOLUTION:THE THREE CLOCKS As a mere arithmetical problem this question presents no difficulty.  In order that the hands shall all point to twelve o’clock at the same time, it is necessary that B shall gain at least twelve hours and that C shall lose twelve hours. As B gains a minute in a day of twenty-four hours, and C loses a minute in precisely the same time, it is evident that one will have gained 720 minutes (just twelve hours) in 720 days, and the other will have lost 720 minutes in 720 days. Clock A keeping perfect time, all three clocks must indicate twelve o’clock simultaneously at noon on the 720th day from April 1, 1898. What day of the month will that be? I publish...


KIDS RIDDLES-9 Hai guys, Question for this Saturday is, Today, i will ask two questions 1.Which state is also called as "T he Magnolia State" OR "The Hospitality State" ? 2. which language is the opposite for oldest language in the world,so what is that language? 😃😃😃 Comment the answer below 😃😃😃 ANSWER FOR LAST SATURDAY'S QUESTION IS; SOLUTION: 1."CANDLE". 2."MISSISSIPPI". 3.There is no Smoke.Because, It's an Electric Train. 😃😃😃 CLICK THIS LINK FOR PREVIOUS QUESTION 😃😃😃: 😃😃😃 CLICK THIS LINK FOR NEXT QUESTION 😃😃😃:


KIDS RIDDLES-8 Hai guys, Question for this Saturday's is, Today, i will ask three questions 1.I am tall when i'm young and I am short when i'm old.What am I? 2.What has four eyes but can't see? 3.If an electric train is travelling south,which way is the smoke going? OK!!! 😃😃😃 Comment the answer below 😃😃😃 ANSWER FOR LAST SATURDAY'S QUESTION IS; SOLUTION: 1.D efinitely  You have two Apples, because You took away two... 2.The answer is "SEVEN",When you remove'S' from this word you will get the word 'EVEN'... Yaaa!!!!I solve it!!!!... 😃😃😃 CLICK THIS LINK FOR PREVIOUS QUESTION 😃😃😃: 😃😃😃 CLICK THIS LINK FOR NEXT  QUESTION 😃😃😃:


PUZZLE MIND WORKOUT-10 Hai guys, Question for this Sunday is: THE THREE CLOCKS On Friday, April 1, 1898, three new clocks were all set going precisely at the same time—twelve noon.  At noon on the following day it was found that clock A had kept perfect time, that clock B had gained exactly one minute, and that clock C had lost exactly one minute.  Now, supposing that the clocks B and C had not been regulated, but all three allowed to go on as they had begun, and that they maintained the same rates of progress without stopping, on what date and at what time of day would all three pairs of hands again point at the same moment at twelve o’clock? ANSWER FOR LAST SUNDAY'S QUESTION IS;   SOLUTION: THE TWENTY-ONE TREES I give two pleasing arrangements of the trees. In each case there are twelve straight rows with five trees in every row. 😃😃😃 CLICK THIS LINK FOR PREVIOUS QUESTION 😃😃😃: https://in-no-way-tive.b...