
Showing posts from July, 2019


PUZZLE MIND WORKOUT-7 Hai Guys, Question for this Sunday; THE DIAMOND PUZZLE: In how many different ways may the word DIAMOND be read in the arrangement shown? You may start wherever you like at a D and go up or down, backwards or forwards, in and out, in any direction you like, so long as you always pass from one letter to another that adjoins it. How many ways are there? ANSWER FOR PREVIOUS SUNDAY'S QUESTION: SOLUTION: THE CYCLIST'S TOUR The routes taken by the eight drivers  are shown in the illustration, where the  dotted line roads are omitted to make the  paths clearer to the eye. "If you guys got the same answer means comment below and also comment the answer for this Sunday question" 😃😃😃 CLICK THIS LINK FOR PREVIOUS QUESTION 😃😃😃 : 😃😃😃 IN THE BELOW LINK CONTAINS NEXT PUZZLE 😃😃😃


KIDS RIDDLES-5 Hai Kids, Question for this Saturday is; Peter was found dead in the central park while he was studying newspaper. The police arrived at the spot and narrowed down four suspects.  1.John  2.Mike     3.James     4.Merlin The police saw something written on the newspaper, near peter. That is " KBNFT " The police were able to break the code and he arrested the murderer, Police said I know who is the killer is. OK!!!, kids, you say who was the murderer??? 😃😃😃 Comment the answer below 😃😃😃 ANSWER FOR LAST SATURDAY'S QUESTION IS; SOLUTION: The person who has the car, he will give his car to his friend and tell to his friend you go and pick that old lady also with you. Then he planned to date with his dream girl.😛😛😛     😃😃😃 CLICK THIS LINK FOR PREVIOUS QUESTION: 😃😃😃 😃😃😃 IN THE BELOW LINK CONTAI...


PUZZLE MIND WORKOUT-6 Hai Guys, QUESTION FOR THIS SUNDAY, WHICH IS  SEEMS TO BE TRICKY ONE. THE CYCLISTS’ TOUR Two cyclists were consulting a road map in preparation for a little tour together.  The circles represent towns, and all the good roads are represented by lines.  They are starting from the town with a 'star', and must complete their tour at 'E'.  But before arriving there they want to visit every other town once, and only once.  That is the difficulty.  Mr. Spicer said, ‘I am certain we can find a way of doing it;’ but Mr. Maggs replied, ‘No way, I’m sure.’ Now, which of them was correct? Take your pencil and see if you can find any way of doing it. Of course you must keep to the roads indicated. ANSWER FOR PREVIOUS QUESTION: SOLUTION: The farmer had one sheep only! If he divided this sheep (which is best done by weight) into two parts, making one part two-thirds and the other part on...


KIDS RIDDLES-4 HAI  KIDS, QUESTION FOR THIS SATURDAY IS; 1.A man is driving a car on a Rainy, Stormy night suddenly he sees a three people who all are waiting in the bus stop they are; Number 1 :A LONG TIME FRIEND WHO ONCE SAVED HIS LIFE. Number 2 :AN OLD WOMAN WHO LOOKS LIKE SHE ABOUT TO DIE. Number 3 :THE WOMAN OF HIS DREAM.                                           He has only one available seat what should he do? ANSWER FOR LAST SATURDAY'S QUESTIONS; SOLUTION: QUESTION NO 1;  Zoo has 63 animals. QUESTION NO 2;  All you kids heard about GRAVITY, She kicked it up. QUESTION NO 3;  'B' is the Daughter. QUESTION NO 4;  Stop Imagining.  QUESTION NO 5;  ONCE. Next time you would be subtracting 10 from 90. 😃😃😃 IN THE BELOW LINK CONTAINS NEXT RIDDLES 😃😃😃 https://in-no-way-tiv...


THE UNKNOWN FACTS-7 1.Each year there are about 300,000 brain  concussions that occur during sports  activities. 2.The word "glia" comes from the Greek  word meaning "glue." 3 .Aphasia  is the name of speech and  language problems caused by brain injury. 4.Humans sleep for 17-18 hours a day at  birth, 10-12 hours at age 4 and 7-8.5 hours  by age 20. 5.The cerebellum is only 10% of the entire  volume of the brain, but contains more than  half of all of the neurons in the brain. 6.About 3% of all people living to the age of  80 will be diagnosed with epilepsy. 7.About 50 ml of blood travels through 100 gram  of brain tissue each minute.  8.The Society for Neuroscience, with more  than 36,000 members, is the largest  professional organization in the world  dedicated to the study of the nervous system. 9.The three most common fears are: snakes ...